Saturday, June 23, 2012

Katie and Jake

I had a great time taking Katie and Jake's engagement pictures today! I have been friends with Katie for many years and always have a good time when I am around her. Her and Jake are so cute and I am so happy for them. I am grateful they asked me to take their pictures. Katie was one of the first people I ever took pictures of and she is one of the reasons I got into photography. Here is a preview of that beautiful couple.

More of these pictures coming soon after I get the other shoots done. :)  

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My first engagements are coming up on Saturday. I am pretty excited! I hope that I can do a good job on them. I also need to get working on my other images so that I can start on them after I take them. My life is just been super crazy lately. I am sure soon I will figure out how to work it all in. :)

Monday, June 18, 2012


I have decided to make a blog. The reason behind this is because I have recently been told that not everyone has a Facebook. Crazy right?! So until my awesome father in law makes me a website this I am going to be using this. I will try to update it often. Also if you can still check out my Facebook page as well. :)